Friday 31 May 2019

Peppermint Toads (inspired by the Harry Potter Series)

I few weeks back I made some chocolate frogs in boxes, only without the chocolate. I was so pleased with how they turned out that I decided to go ahead and make a set of peppermint toads in boxes. I used the same process to make these peppermint toads in boxes as I did with my previous chocolate frogs in boxes, only using alternate patterns for each the toads and boxes.

After a bit of a search online I was able to find a blank template I liked for this box. It was similar enough to the chocolate frog boxes so that both the frog and toad boxes would look as though they belonged together, without being exactly the same. I again used cardboard from cereal boxes as I was happy with how this turned out the first time, and once cut and glued together I decorated them.

I had a much easier time deciding how to decorate these peppermint toad boxes after having already made my chocolate frog boxes. Since the chocolate frog boxes were decorated with a more simple design, I did the same here. The inside of these boxes were left untouched with the designs painted to only the outside of the boxes covering the original outside cereal box.

A quick search online gave me my colour palette. So after a couple of coats of white paint I painted the lid and base of each box in a light blue colour that I mixed up. I then used a silver colour to cover all the sides of the lid and base and finished each box with a silver toad silhouette that I made a stencil of, from the toad pattern. After which I gave a couple coats of mod podge for protection and shine.

I didn't want these fabric toads to look exactly like the frogs I had made, so I instead made these from another free pattern I found online. Once I adjusted the pattern size to fit the boxes, I used a white fabric to represent white chocolate and filled with plastic pellets. These beanie toads have a nice weight to them making them just as fun and toss-able as the frogs I made previously.

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