Tuesday, 29 June 2021

Big-Headed Garden Gnome (inspired by the Harry Potter Series)

For the longest time I had wanted to make one of these garden gnomes with a bigger head to better resemble the gnomes that are described in the Harry Potter books, and so after a long time just thinking about it I finally I got around to making one and I love him.

This garden gnomes pattern has been a favourite of mine for a long time, you can see some previous gnomes I have made HERE, HERE and HERE. Almost all of these gnomes have since found new homes, but this big-headed gnomes stays on my shelf, when he isn't roaming around the garden.

HERE you can see the original gnome made from this pattern on the right and the beg-headed gnome on the left. I used the exact same pattern for both, they have the exact same body, arms, legs, nose and ears. I even used the same materials to create these, the only difference between the two is the head size.

To make his big-headed gnome I increased the size of the pattern pieces for the head to 130% before printing. At first I wasn't sure if it would be big enough, then I worried it might be too big. But I actually think it is probably about the right size and because his body is weighted with stuffing pellets he isn't at all top heavy with a bigger head.

This big-headed gnome is only slightly taller then the original standing at a little under 11 inches tall, and is finished with the same safety eyes as the first gnome I made. Both are so very cute, I cant decide which one I like more. As I said, this is such a great pattern, to make a gnome for yourself you can visit Tiffany Hinnen (aka. Mieljolie) at her etsy store HERE.

Monday, 21 June 2021

Yule Beads - Wheel of the Year

Pictured above are all 8 seasonal beads for the Wheel of the Year. At the bottom is these 8 beads are the Yule beads and as it is now Yule in the southern hemisphere these are the beads I am featuring. You can read more about Yule and how I use these beads HERE.

In making these Yule beads I went through my supply of beads and see what I could use. The colours for this season were obvious, red, green and white, so they were the colours I went with, only I used pearl beads instead of white. All up there are 46 of these red, green and pearl beads, not including the green amazonite stone spacer beads.