Wednesday, 1 February 2023

Lughnasadh Beads - Wheel of the Year

In the above picture are the eight beads I have made that correspond to the eight sabbats in the Wheel of the Year. For me in the southern hemisphere it is now Lughnasadh or Lammas. Both have the meaning of celebrating the beginning of the harvest season but where Lammas translates to Loaf Mass with its Christian roots, Lughnasadh is also in celebration of the Celtic God Lugh. You can read more about this HERE.

The colours for Lughnasadh, and Lammas, are browns, dark gold and red. So to make these beads I used copper coloured pearl beads to represent the dark gold colour, the spacer beads are mixed quartz bringing in the brown for this, and instead of using red I went with orange beads and mixed in some pale green beads to give a more transitioning to autumn feel for these. In total there are 45 beads, not including the mixed quartz spacer beads.